The problem? Without your right brain, you’re missing the big picture. You won’t find creative solutions to challenges. Your intuition is locked away. And, you may be less flexible.
Not that you want to use your right brain instead of your left brain… ideally, you should use your whole brain. Chances are you’ve got the left brain covered – the question is how to access the right brain.
And, you guessed it, meditation is one of the answers:
1. Sit quietly and comfortably
2. Close your eyes
3. Try to relax all your muscles. Start with your feet and progress to your face – telling each body part to relax.
4. Breathe through your nose. Pay attention to each breath. As you exhale, repeat a word like peace or relax, or a brief phrase such as “I am completely calm” to yourself. Breathe easily.
5. Continue for at least ten minutes (twenty is better). If you get distracted that’s O.K., it’s part of the exercise. Just acknowledge where your mind goes, let it go, and go back to repeating your word. When you finish sit quietly for several minutes.
6. Don’t worry if you’re not immediately successful in achieving deep relaxation. It will come with time and practice.
Breathing exercises can help as well.
1. Sit comfortably (and yes, that is a theme) and release the tension in your body.
2. Use your thumb and index finger to press down on your nostrils. Release pressure on one nostril and inhale.
3. Switch the pressure on your nose and exhale. Inhale.
4. Switch the pressure on your nose and exhale. Inhale
5. Breathe through your abdomen
6. Practice for at least ten minutes (and up to thirty)
Good luck!
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